Mikasa Ackerman is a very popular character in the anime and manga Attack on Titan. In the midst of a very large and diverse character system in the blockbuster anime Attack on Titan, Mikasa stands out with her charismatic East Asian beauty and genius fighting ability against all opponents. Seeing her parents murdered firsthand and experiencing a turbulent childhood has forged an indifferent, strong, and brave Mikasa.
However in life, the little girl Mikasa is also a very affectionate person, always loves, cherishes and cares deeply for her friends, especially Eren and Armin, even ready to sacrifice for them.
Below, let’s take a look at 10 facts about Mikasa Ackerman in Attack on Titan!
She Is Among The Most Strong Female Characters
Mikasa weighs about 150 pounds, which can surprise others. Given her height of just 5’7, she must be all muscle. She is the series’ heaviest female, outweighing even the majority of the Scouts’ guys. Bertolt and Reiner, both over 6ft tall, are the only two men she doesn’t overshadow
She Imitates Levi’s Attack
Mikasa is constantly working to improve her skill set. She and Eren find Annie using battle tactics they haven’t seen before during combat training in the series’ earlier arcs. As a result, they both want to learn from her.
Mikasa tries to use Levi’s trademark spinning assault on the Female Titan (Annie) after she captures Eren after watching Levi use it on a Titan.
Her, Levi, and Kenny are Ackerman Clan descendants.
After discovering Mikasa and Kenny have the same surname, Levi asks if they are related in the “Sin” episode. It’s no coincidence that Mikasa and Kenny have the same last name. Mikasa, Levi, and Kenny are all Ackerman descendants. Levi discovers later in the season that he is also an Ackerman. They were designated as special guards for the royal family due to their clan’s increased power.
In reality, after learning that the Ackermans used to be the royal family’s personal guards, Kenny asks his late grandfather why the Ackermans are so despised in the third season of AoT. Inside the walls, his grandfather laments that their people do not share the same bloodline as the others. As a result, the Founding Titan’s influence cannot be used to control their memories.This resulted in the king executing them, along with this Asian clan, out of fear of them revealing secrets outside of the walls.
She was the first in her class to graduate from the Training Corps.
Mikasa isn’t a prodigy; during the 104th Training Corps, she is the first in her class to graduate. This comes as no surprise given her influence, but it’s still worth noting. There are several talented scouts in that batch, three of whom are seasoned soldiers: Annie, Reiner, and Bertolt.
Her Other Ancestry
Mikasa is half-Asian on her mother’s side, which isn’t mentioned very much in the anime. Her mother is a member of the Asian clan mentioned by Kenny’s grandfather in the previous entry. Her mother was murdered by these smugglers earlier in the season, so she is the only known survivor of her clan. Furthermore, her mother’s ancestors have a long history of military prowess.
She Can’t Turn Into A Titan
Mikasa is unable to transform into a Titan because she is not a descendant of Eren’s race of people. The anime doesn’t go into great detail about this; instead, it makes a passing reference to it. Mikasa is a member of the aforementioned Ackerman and Asian clans, so she is unable to transform into Titan. Again, since the characters never mention it, this can be overlooked.
On the black market, she has a price on her head.
Mikasa isn’t the only AoT character being sought after; Eren is as well. She commands a high price on the black market because she is the last known living member of the Asian clan. This is revealed during Mikasa’s backstory in the first season of the show.
Her Awakened Titan Powers Are Foreshadowed In Episode 6
After wondering if she was connected to Kenny, Levi asks Mikasa if she’s ever had a moment in her life when she felt stronger than normal during the Uprising arc. She bemoans the fact that she felt this wave of strength when the smugglers attempted to abduct her in episode 6. Then Levi adds that he and Kenny have had the same experience.
The Origin Of Her Name
Mikasa is named after a Japanese Navy battleship, and it also means “Three Bamboo Hats.” Hajime Isayama, the series’ writer, claims that he chose the name Mikasa because he believes that a series with a female character named after a warship is more likely to succeed. I guess he was right, because this series is now one of the best-selling manga in the world.
She’s Tough To Draw
Mikasa Ackerman’s unique design is adored by fans, but they may be unaware of the amount of time it takes to create her character design. Mikasa, according to Isayama, is the most difficult character to draw. Given that she embodies distinct characteristics from the series’ protagonists, this makes sense.
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