10 Strongest Characters on Attack on Titan

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Atack On Titan is a film about humanity’s struggle against its predators, the titans. When the protagonist, Eren, became a titan himself, his allies realized how little they knew about their foe. They set out to find these answers in order to redeem their world.
As the series progressed, most characters in Attack On Titan were revealed to be titans or were titans. However, several characters in the manga have titan powers that are just as strong as Eren, Reiner, Zeke, and the other main characters. Let’s take a look at 10 Strongest Characters on Attack on Titan.



Historia appeared to be one of the 104th Cadet Corps’ poorest members when she was first presented. She had come to depend on Ymir and was heartbroken when she lost her. She has since become the queen of Paradis, killed her father, Rod Reiss, when he transformed into a titan, and acts in the best interests of those around her. Though she is pregnant and busy ruling Paradis, she may not be battling these days, she was one of the Survey Corps’ most important members and became even stronger due to all of the tragedies she overcame.



Theo Magath is the commander of the Eldian children’s Warrior Unit. Zeke, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, and the rest of the Eldian children would not have grown up to be as powerful if it hadn’t been for his teaching. Despite his ignorance and stubbornness, Theo ended up sacrificing himself alongside Keith so that those they trained could join forces to save the world.



Petra had 10 kills and 48 assists as a part of Levi Squad. She was one of the group’s most loving members, always placing her trust in her comrades, especially Levi. Levi found out after she died that she was in love with him and decided to marry him.
Shortly after her introduction, she was killed by the Female Titan. She was crushed to death when the Female Titan charged at her. Fans were shocked when she died, despite the fact that they had only known her for a short time.



Oluo was another Levi Squad member who died at the hands of the Female Titan. He finished with 39 kills and nine assists. Despite the fact that he had killed several titans, he was a fool who tried to bully Eren when they first met. When the party was on horseback, he would often bite his tongue, making it difficult for his comrades to take him seriously. Petra, Eld, and Gunther were all killed by the Female Titan, Oluo tried to get revenge. However, she kicked him so hard that he passed away immediately.



Hange, unlike the majority of the other characters in the series, cared for and was intrigued by the titans. She decided to learn more about them and was meticulous about her experiments. She was one of the strongest members of the Survey Corps, and after Erwin died, she became the commander. As the story progressed, she became more serious and stronger in the process. She ended up sacrificing herself to give her comrades extra time to get away from Eren and his army of Colossal titans.



Kenny killed a lot of people in his life, despite not being a titan. He became the captain of the Anti-Personnel Control Squad after befriending the royal family.
Levi’s mother died when he was a child. Before abandoning the baby, Kenny raised him for a time and taught him how to fight. He eventually gave Levi the injection that could turn people into titans, deciding to die after telling Levi that he was his uncle.



The former commander of the Survey Corps was known as their most competent leader. Despite his remorse at being responsible for his soldiers’ deaths, he still did what had to be done. Despite multiple wounds, he still led those under his orders, even when he was bleeding on the battlefield. He helped them to be mentally and physically as capable as he was. Levi had to choose between Erwin and Armin to administer the injection he received from Kenny. He transformed Armin into a giant when he decided it was time for Erwin to be at peace.



Mike was recognized as humanity’s greatest soldier until Levi joined the Survey Corps. He had odd habits, including smelling people when he first met them. Given his eccentricities, he was a formidable adversary who met any obstacle head on. He died early in the series when he came face to face with the Beast Titan, who was in charge of other titans and used them to rip Mike apart while he was devoured.



Mikasa joined Eren in avenging her parents’ murderers after they were murdered. She became one of the strongest characters in the series after that, and she still stood by Eren’s side. She was the most professional member of the 104th Cadet Corps and one of the Survey Corps’ most respected soldiers. As the manga draws to a close, she remains one of the most powerful characters, prepared to do whatever it takes to save the world, including defeating the person she loves the most.


10 Strongest Characters on Attack on Titan

Levi is humanity’s most powerful soldier. Levi became a terrorist after Kenny betrayed him, and he entered the Survey Corps to assassinate Erwin. After titans killed his mates, he became faithful to the commander and an inspiration to his men. When Erwin was unable to, he became the captain of his own squad and made several of the Survey Corps’ decisions.

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